Saturday, March 17, 2007



Like many of you in warmer latitudes, we too have been having lovely spring weather here. Unfortunately the now emerging earth is not covered in daffs and snowdrops; normally at this time of the year we still have a couple of feet of snow in the garden - our spring flowers (and the early summer ones) all burst forth together in May and June. The few deciduous trees that we have show no sign of leaf buds yet and this is probably a good thing as tomorrow the weather changes and we move back to winter. Arctic temperatures, northerly winds and between 40-70cm of snow for Sunday night.

Fortunately the children bought me an enormous basket of narcissi for the Ste. Louise, so as the snow falls, they will remind me that somewhere fairly near it is springtime!

In the background of the photo you will see a tapestry cushion - I admit to being a tapestry fiend! Absolutely hooked - once I get going I can't stop. Actually I have four on the go at the moment (very dangerous as none get finished!) and I haven't looked at them for some time. I took them out earlier and have decided that until I can work out in the garden again I shall finish at least one of them. Like gardening, I find doing tapestry very therapeutic and apart from choosing the colours and threading the needle, the mind goes totally blank!

My grandmother taught me tapestry when I was young, but I have nowhere near her patience and production - she did tapestry seats for all the diningroom chairs, my grandfather's desk chair, a long footstool - there was no stopping her. Of course she eventually had to stop as her eyesight became too bad and I think actually that from that moment she started going downhill mentally. She rarely watched television, and I thought that if I watched less (not that I watch much) I too would have finished my four outstanding cushions!

My father could knit socks (so I was told) - do any of you have hobbies that are no longer 'fashionable'?


Bill Taylor said...

We need more of a close-up of the cushion, though even as it is the tapestry looks impressive. I've never quite understood how it was done. And knitting socks -- doesn't that require four needles? It beggars belief.
My hobby these days seems to be shovelling snow. It had all disappeared by Wednesday when the temperature was up to 15 but another 4 centimetres fell overnight so I've been out again clearing the walks. There's a city bylaw that you have to have the sidewalk in front of your property cleared within 24 hours of the snow falling. Tough luck if you live on a corner.
My real hobby isn't so much no longer fashionable as never fashionable and widely regarded as strange. I collect model buses. As someone who came to my house once (and was not invited again) rather snootily remarked: "A hitherto undreamed-of sub-culture." Well, it beats philately (which will get you nowhere).

Louise said...

Shovelling snow is NOT a hobby! It is a necessity and damned hard work, too!

Why model buses?

Bill Taylor said...

I couldn't agree more! It just seems to have been occupying way too much of my free time of late.
Ever since I was a kid, buses have fascinated me, especially old ones -- the way they look, sound, smell. Ironically, I've never been that keen on riding on them (possibly because I'm chronically prone to motion sickness). Paris has one of the best bus museums I've never seen, with an example of pretty much every bus that ever ran there. The London Transport Museum was closed when we were there but the gift shop was open and I found something new for my collection. And I've just discovered an American bus museum in Pennsylvania that has an open-day, with old buses coming from all over the country, in June. That went straight into my diary. Lesley is very good; she comes along with me and even looks as if she cares.
The one time she got exasperated was a couple of years ago in Rome when I was enthralled to see a luxury coach (a new one) that had just won a major European design award. I oohed and aahed over it for a while and then 15 minutes later we saw another one. She asked me why I was now oohing and aahing over this one and I said, "Well, look, the rear-view mirrors are completely different." Her reply was unprintable.
I used to have a part share in a real old bus but models are a lot cheaper and easier to display. If I ever win the lottery, though...

Louise said...

Who dusts the buses - you or Lesley? Ha!

Or are they in a glass case?

Bill Taylor said...

Glass case(s). Lesley doesn't touch them.

Bill Taylor said...

We were talking a little while ago about our mothers, Louise. I don't suppose you'd like to swap yours for mine for a while, would you? (To be honest, I don't recommend it). The weekly phonecall becomes more and more of an ordeal. She's perfectly rational, perfectly logical.....except for the fact that her parents, her long-dead brother and my father show up at regular intervals to play loud music and eat all her food. Then there's my father's new lady friend who sends her kids around....
Hard to remain rational myself sometimes.

Louise said...

Thanks, but no thanks, Bill! It sounds funny, but I'm sure it's not. I forgot it was Mother's Day today in England...

Bill Taylor said...

I get over the Mother's Day thing ( I usually forget my own wedding anniversary; but fortunately so does Lesley) by sending her a card for Canadian Mother's Day which is a few weeks away. It does have its funny side (once I'm off the phone) and I have some hysterical conversations with a friend here whose father is far, far worse.

Gigi said...

I've always wanted to have a proper hobby - fashionable or unfashionable, I don't care. My mum was a brilliant knitter and she did try to teach me - but my efforts looked more like macrami than garter stitch. As for crochet, I've got a couple of books showing me how to do it but I can't understand the diagrams at all...

Sewing just exasperates me. I mean, how do all those knots get in my thread without me tying any?

I tried painting but I lack patience and my piano playing just makes everybody laugh. I do enjoy baking cakes and decorating them - but I haven't done that for a while and anyway, I'm no Jane Asher.

I admire people like you, Louise, who can create beautiful things - like that tapestry cushion. And like Bill and his photos...

I think the real reason I haven't got a proper hobby is that I'm too darn lazy!

Tinsie said...

I don't have any embarassing or unfashionable hobbies, but wanted to say that in England too the daffodils are out but it's freezing cold at the moment.
Such a shame, as we enjoyed some very warm spring weather all of last week...

Sarah said...

I have a very small collection of Dinky cars which are sitting on top of my bookcase. The Transport Museum in London has some lovely new ones, of police cars and buses. The boys got buses and I got a Triumph 2500 police car in French blue. :)

I suppose my charity work is a hobby too. Actually, I seem to have a few sort of hobbies on the go - garden, cars (small), Promo'Arts, writing.

When I was married I had none. Telling, huh?

Louise said...

I didn't do my tapestry when married, either, but perhaps because the children were younger and I didn't have so much time.

I have always gardened (apart from here as I can't adapt my gardening to the climate yet) as it is therapeutic and probably the life-saver of my ex ... better digging the earth than beating him on the head with a spade ... GGGRRR!

Roads said...

I've been away for a little while, and things have changed around here. Space-age blue and pictures of lunar craters, with revolving electrons hovering above a world map. Intriguing mention of a new and embyronic blog somewhere else - although exactly where I'm not quite sure.

And it's even snowing in the Alps. Fantastic news - in time for my April skitrip, I hope.

And all this just from one quick visit. Keep it up, Louise, it's exciting stuff all round !

Louise said...

Thanks, Roads! The blog was black before and I thought it looked good, but most of my 'readers' thought it was suicidal, so I changed it to blue - but will got back to black again soon - the whirly counters looked good on black!

The new blog site was abandoned - too much temptation for rodents!

Bill Taylor said...

Speaking of which, Colin Randall's tempting fate again. He's gone back to admitting anonymice. When are you going back to black? I loved it.

Louise said...

Forgot to say that the snow has been chucking it down for the last 24 hours and is set to last the week. However it's really cold (max -5 today) and up on the slopes it's -10 to -15, so with the northerly wind that is blowing, it feels twice that cold!

My son forgot his face mask on Monday and almost got frost bite on the way down the slopes...horrible it was!

So there is fresh snow for skiing at the moment.

Louise said...

Will go back soon to the black I think as I don't like this petrolly blue colour very much.

Don't know about disposing of the mouse trap - will see what happens to CR's blog! This is going to get CB upset...the Wall coming down! But he is very active on the Telly blogs again, so maybe he won't notice!

Bill Taylor said...

What, you think he isn't here constantly, lurking in the undergrowth? Of course he is. The only thing in doubt is how long his latest "I'm leaving forever" lasts.

sciencebod said...

Yes, I still follow Louise's blog with interest, Bill Taylor, because she has interesting things to say. But I've stopped contributing comments, because of rodents like yourself, who "snipe from cover", to use your own hypocritical words, under the guise of pseudonyms such as "Lacombe Lucien", while then scurrilously claiming that it is I who is the culprit.

It beggars belief that you should still be claiming the moral high ground, as they say, having been exposed on my blog for the schmuck that you are.

Apologies to those of a sheltered background, or nervous disposition, but there are certain things that just have to be said.

Bill Taylor said...

"I've stopped contributing comments," he commented! We must surely be approaching a world record for final farewells. Someone should alert Guinness...

sciencebod said...

I have my daughter visiting at the moment, the one who erupted onto Colin R's blog when she saw the kind of crap that BT (and R of O) were writing about her old man. And BT's response ? To claim she was an invention.

That's BT for you - a man who believes that everyone operates on his own bottom-feeder level.

I don't want to linger here a second longer, tapping out these comments, when there are more important things to attend to, like being a father to his daughter whose been through a rough patch (she's a junior doctor, messed around by the Government's attempt to micromanage their promotion system).

So I'll take my leave for two or three days, Louise, whatever that scumbag Bill Taylor says here.

Bill Taylor said...

"Two or three days...." It's as if he'd never been gone. His language is getting a little bit near the knuckle, though.

richard of orleans said...

I am really fed up with the personal attacks of Colinb. Since he now refuses comments on his blog I don't see why we have to read his endless insults elsewhere. He is giving us Brits a bad reputation. It is unfair, we are perfidious yes, but not downright rude and ignorant.

sciencebod said...

I'm sure you won't take it personally, Louise, if I say that any blog that is habitually visited by BT and "R of O" is one that sane individuals take off their favourites list. I may look in again, say in a month or two. But for the meantime, I not only decline to comment: I decline to visit.

Louise said...

Colin B - it's a free world - you do exactly as you please.

Bill Taylor said...

An interesting word, "sane." Louise, I like your picture of Angus hiding in the trees. Does he wear little boots and a coat when he goes out in the snow? You should see the way some people here dress their dogs for bad weather.

sciencebod said...

Goodbye Louise. You have made your choices, I have made mine.

One day, Louise, you will realize you have made the wrong choice. But I will never say "I told you so ", even if I have dumped my 20th century humanism (the result of insights into the entire spectrum of human nature, mostly gained via the internet, especially blogs).

Time to move on. Sorry about the drawn out farewell. It's the result of foolishly continuing to read the comments on your site. I will not make the same mistake again.

Louise said...

No, Gus does NOT wear boots and little coats! He may be a small little guy but he's a toughy, and a REAL dog!

Louise said...

Colin, do calm down! Anyone can comment on my blog, apart from mice, and as long as I do not find their comments offensive.

Bill Taylor said...

I'm glad to hear it about Angus. I suppose there's a bit of an excuse for canine footwear here, given the amount of salt that gets spread on the sidewalks to keep them free of ice. It can't be good for paws. But sometimes you see dogs that are better dressed than their owners.

Bill Taylor said...

"Scumbag," I thought, was a BIT over the top.

sciencebod said...

"Chocs and Cuckoos " has just gone off my bookmarked sites Louise. So I shall remain in blissful ignorance of whatever you and your delightful visitors say in the future.

What is it they say ?: "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."

Bill Taylor said...

This has got to be the longest, most drawn-out final farewell yet. Do you suppose he's taken Anne Gilbert with him? That's if he's actually gone, which is doubtful in the extreme.

Louise said...

Well, I shall keep D&D on my links, Colin, even though I think it is a shame you have cut off your nose to spite your face by disallowing comments. It was too easy to moderate comments, wasn't it?

Theoretically you won't read this - but anway, enjoy the company of your daughter whilst she is with you and shut down your computer for the next few days - her worries with the NHS are far more important than all the rubbish we write on blogs!

Louise said...

Just to let you know, Colinwhodoesn'treadthisbloganymore, that I have posted a comment on Shane Richmond's latest blog 'Everything in moderation'. But as you don't read this you will discover it yourself.

richard of orleans said...

Colinb, It's your famous survival of the fittest. Winnowing out the weak.

Louise said...

Oh dear, oh dear! What a dilemma. Shall I blue pencil? Was I not called 'ignorant'? Was I not to be winnowed out by being weak? But who is the weak one?!

richard of orleans said...

Louise, we blew away the chaff. Maybe Sarah can use it in her Bokashi bins.

Gigi said...

well, um...just to change the subject a little bit...I looked at the photo at the top of your post, Louise, and for a while I couldn't make out what the black object looked like a witch sneaking away through the Narnia perhaps? Then Bill said it was Angus.

Do apologize to Angus for me!

Louise said...

Thanks for changing the subject!

Angus says that it's okay you didn't recognise him as he is often in deep camouflage in the snow!

Sarah said...

Apparently Botanic are not going to sell Bokashi bins despite being signed up for Nicolas Hulot's Incredibly Green and Environmentally Favourable Party.

I think I might write to Nicolas and complain...

richard of orleans said...

Hey Louise I like your post on Shane Richmond's blog. You really stick it to the forked toungued squirt.

Spirited lady.

Sorry to change the subject back.

Now what were you saying about that lovely litle dog with his high heeled shoes?

Bill Taylor said...

No, indeed, let's not change the subject back. But very well said on the Shane Richmond blog. It's just four days ago that Colin Berry (as usual, saying goodbye for ever) was writing "bless you, Louise." And now you've joined those of us who have been cast into eternal darkness. Black will be a very appropriate colour for your blog (except poor Gus won't show up at all)...

Louise said...

See that AG has popped up on the Telly blog...

Bill Taylor said...

Poetically? I'm almost afraid to look.

Louise said...


Bill Taylor said...

I was just over there. She/he actually makes a fair point, which makes a change. I'd been sure, though, that AG would disappear with CB for however long he stays away this time.

Louise said...

I don't think that AG is CB...

Bill Taylor said...

Dunno if you've looked at Shane Richmond's blog this morning but Colin Berry is trying to wriggle off the hook. Just for Shane Richmond's record, I submitted a list of everything that Colin Berry has called me over the past couple of weeks (including, ironically enough, character assassin). I'll be curious to see if the Telegraph moderator sees fit to allow it.

Louise said...

I sent an email to CB this morning after his comment on D&D which he has published and is going to reply to later...

Bill Taylor said...

Rather you than me. Anyway, I just checked and my list is up on the Tele blog.

Louise said...

I think you are about to be taken to task, Bill, and your remarks from the last year are being scrutinised as I type! I suppose he will put this up on his blog as I doubt the Telly will publish it if it's too long!

Bill Taylor said...

Well, you asked us about our hobbies. This is clearly his. Or, should I say, obsession. It's rather sad in a way (or is pathetic the word I'm looking for?) that no one but him really gives a damn and that very few people will bother to read his manipulative and self-serving ramblings. I certainly shan't. One thing you might consider is the distinct possibly that he'll once again reverse his I'll-never-darken-your-door-again policy and publish them here.

sciencebod said...

Apologies for breaking in your one-to-one, Louise and Bill (which I suspect, as an amateur psychologist, is what really lies at the heart of all of this ), but my sole aim at present is to bow out gracefully from personal blogging. Your dragging our "issues' into the public domain - that's public with a big P- has not helped matters, because I'm now forced, yet again, onto the defensive, and have to give a good account of myself (old Berry tradition).
So I'll try and put together something for anyone following links from the Telly as to why I feel my strong words aqainst BT are justified, but without adding too much fuel to the fire. You don't make life easy for people, do you Bill ? And you should not have encouraged him back to the MSM, Louise, knowing his rottweiler tendencies ( but do I detect I tiny sign of weariness, if not mellowing, creeping in there on BT's part ?)

Bill T will have a field day now, trotting out his Guinness Book of Records line, but contrary to what he might think I am actually a sane, reasonable, rational, accomodating individual, GSOH intact, despite his attempts to drive me into the hands of the shrinks. Sorry, I'm retired, on a fixed income: I cannot afford couch consultancy fees at my time of life.

Louise said...

Well, he might come back - but I don't blue pencil enough (not at all) so in all honesty one shouldn't post on a blog that is against one's own standards of editing...

Bill Taylor said...

Weariness? Absolutely. This is tedious in the extreme. And as I say, Louise (one to one), no one but Colin Berry really gives a damn. As to his mental state, I have nothing to say. I leave it to others to draw their own conclusions.
And -- I almost hate to say it, Louise (one to one) -- but I told you so. When he said he would no longer read your blog, that was clearly not to be believed.

Louise said...

Colin and I posted at the same time...

I don't think Colin that I am egging Bill on to post on the Telly blogs - as far as I know I have absolutely no influence over Bill whatsoever and he is free to post where he likes. Like, do you think I send him emails saying 'Quick, Bill, post a comment on Shane's blog'...

Yes, I think you do detect signs of weariness in Bill's comments - you must admit that your eternel good byes are a little tiring to say the least.

Why do you think you have to justify yourself all the time? On your blog you come over as a very nice person with interesting things to say - those that read your blog will, I'm sure, agree with me and therefore when the remarks get silly, no-one takes them seriously - ease up a bit, Colin!

Louise said...

One to one, Bill - have you noticed that I have changed the background of my blog from petrol blue to dark blue?

One to one - what do you think?

sciencebod said...

Your trouble, Bill Taylor, is that you won't give an inch, will you ? Well, here's some advice from the European mainland. Go metric for starters. Then try a millimetre or two for starters. After a while you'll find that not everyone takes a bit of backtracking as a sign of weakness. Life's too short to be falling out over differences in outlook etc. Do try to seek common ground (and I say that without a hint of condescencion, which I'm sure I've spelt incorrectly).

I'm sure I don't need to tell you that the email (and, by the same token, the blog comment) is the worst form of communication since the carrier pigeon, since it cuts out the essential communication thing that comes from face-to-face contact).

I'm sure you are not an ogre, and no-one in my immediate circle has accused me either of that recently, at least not to my face.

Bill Taylor said...

I thought at first my eyes might be going, Louise! I'd just done a very strenuous session in the office gym (as part of a very public and sometimes quite humiliating three month program, with weekly stories, to improve my fitness level). Sometimes they leave me seeing stars. I like it better than the lighter blue but not as much as black.
Colin Berry: Give 2.5 centimetres? YOU don't. Not ever. To be even mildly critical of you (as evidenced by your reaction to innocent remarks by both Louise and Colin Randall) is to send you into a temper tantrum. You've heaped abuse upon me and accused me over and over of such things as, and I quote: "You are incapable of sticking to issues: you launch into tirades of abuse against anyone who puts forward views contrary to your own, or who you see as stealing your limelight."
This is simply not true. If you read Louise's blog, Richard's blog or Colin Randall's blog you cannot fail to notice that I delight in sustained intelligent debate. Others, I'm sure, will bear this out. But you're incapable of seeing anything in terms other than yourself. And you ignore whatever it suits you to ignore. I've asked you in the past why you take yourself and blogging so seriously. Louise asked you a little while ago why you think you have to justify yourself all the time. You don't answer.
I'd infinitely prefer not to be involved with you to the slightest degree. But I refuse to roll over and play dead.
Louise, I'm sorry. This is clogging up your blog, once again. As far as I'm concerned, though, this issue is finished now. But, one to one, you DO influence me. Your request for a large steak for Pierre will certainly influence my choice of restaurant when you're in Toronto in July.

sciencebod said...

Why do I take myself and blogging so seriously ?

We are all of us, to some extent, influenced in our lives by those we see as rôle models.

I'm sure the Beatles took themselves and their music seriously.

I'm sure that Sibelius took himself and his music seriously.

I'm sure Michael Faraday took himself and his science seriously.

I can't hope to match any of these, but taking myself and my life goals seriously would seem to me a modest start.

I spent a few minutes some weeks ago googling "Bill Taylor, Toronto
Star". Everything I read points to Bill Taylor being someone who is successful in his chosen line of work, as I too regard my own research career( up till the point when Thatcher and her demolition experts went to work on Treasury-funded scientists).

So what's wrong with taking myself and my blogging seriously ? And why can't it co-exist happily with Louise's raison d'etrê for blogging, which she says is more free and spontaneous (although I have my doubts).

I've just had a passionate discussion over dinner with my medic daughter. She feels I should abandon blogging - she thinks it's cruel and demeaning. But I stood my ground. Blogging - this new means of communication- is the 21st century. I see myself an an apprentice ( read: self-demeaning) but also a scout (more optimistically, self-promoting, blazing a trail).

Why the antipathy- apart from an excess of RPSS ( repetitive point scoring syndrome) - on both sides. ? What underlies it ? I don't recall massacring any civilian populations recently, or mugging old ladies of their Bingo winnings.

Enlightenment would be welcome, instead of the usual flak, that leaves one none the wiser as to the true sticking points.

richard of orleans said...

Colinb it can happen that you feel irritable and ill at ease when you are out of your natural environment. You may have left your comfort zone.

Maybe you should reconsider your move to France.

Louise said...

I can assure you, Colin, that my blogging is totally spontaneous. Just look at my blogs - let's face it you don't have to be a rocket scientist to write them, do you? I type as I think or talk and it's very speedy - I can type at speed with my eyes shut too! I spend five minutes thinking about the subject, five minutes typing it and press the publish button without even looking for typos or rereading - that is why it all gets a little muddled sometimes - my brain does work somewhat quicker than the fingers on the keyboard!

The longest thing is posting a photo...

And now I'm off to bed as I am brain dead...

sciencebod said...

Reading back through last night's thread, Louise, I am reminded that it began because you and BT thought it OK to talk about me in my absence, and in most unflattering terms to boot. I am then criticized by BT (predictably) and by yourself (surprisingly) for returning yet again to your blog.

The answer is simple, Louise. You find something else to talk about, instead of constantly obsessing about myself, and I will stay away.
But if you and BT resume your defaming 1:1s , then I'll return, and you can question my mental state, or call me all the names you like, but I will continue to intrude here for as long you allow your blog to be used as vehicle for personal abuse.

Louise said...


You have made your point. I have posted 3 new blogs today that have nothing to do with our recent discussions - I hope it stays like that.

You are not intuding on my blog - I have never said that (or at least I don't think I have) - you were the one who decided to leave...

This is my last comment on the subject -perhaps we can turn a blog page?

sciencebod said...

Listen, Louise, and please listen carefully. Thanks to you and your blog, I am the injured party. You are the one who keeps this thing going, so stop acting the innocent.

I have told you I want out of personal blogging, and what happens ? You and BT continue to slag me off, as you did above, BEFORE I returned, and not being content with that, you then go and post abuse on Shane Richmond's blog.

Kindly stop this baiting, Louise, and stop blaming me for a situation that is entirely of your making, not mine.None of this does you any credit.